Urgent Vehicle Transport

Urgent Vehicle Transport

Grupo Cariño is a company founded in 1960. Our mission is to provide you with a comprehensive service, offering you all possible facilities.


  • Moving
  • Renting a car
  • Urgent vehicle transportation
  • Granada airport parking
  • caravan and truck parking …….

Our transporters are professional experts in this type of road transfer. We have a fleet of 65 vehicle-carrying trucks to be able to carry out a fast and economical transport. Our vehicles are equipped with the latest technologies, so you will be able to know, in real time, the place where your vehicle is located and the estimated delivery time.

Transportar vehículo urgente - Transportes CariñoUrgent Vehicle Transport Service

For your comfort, we offer you all kinds of facilities and options to carry out the rapid and safe transfer, from port operations if needed, to capillary transport (transfer / delivery of vehicles).

If you trust that we are in charge of transporting your urgent vehicle , you can fill out our web form or call our information telephone number (+34) 958 459 001 We will be happy to answer any questions, provide you with a quotation or any other type of management you need. If you want a fast, safe and economic service, don’t wait to contact us.


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